Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Hello! Let me introduce myself! I am currently a SUPER BUSY mom who does not work for pay. (often). I would say I'm a stay at home mom but if you're a stay at home mom, chances are you don't really stay at home. What am I doing? Usually I'm out volunteering at one of the three schools near my house. One is my kids elementary school. We have been there since 2001 when my oldest started kindergarten and my daughter is currently there in 5th grade. The second is the Jr High my sons have attended (one is there now). The third is another elementary around the corner from my house where the best former First Grade Teacher EVER is currently a librarian. She taught my oldest three 1st grade and when I found out she left our elementary I found her and followed her. I also run the usual errands, chores, etc and it's not uncommon for my husband and I to go out for lunch or to a movie. We do Date Days often. In the evenings it's all sports, band/orchestra concerts/events, math/science practice, robotics club, school stuff and PTA stuff. Plus the family outings and rare and usually spontaneous Date Nights. OR I could be REALLY living it up and be home doing laundry, washing dishes, cleaning, cooking, baking, etc. Haha. I also happen to find time for hobbies. I love to craft. I can pretty much make anything with paper. Except origami. It's evil. Perfect folds??? Bah! I love to take pictures. I love to bake cookies. I love to read. Getting lost in a book is my favorite. I love to write. I love to play games and do puzzles. All kinds of games and all kinds of puzzles. With the family or by myself.

My husband. He's an amazing, interesting, never dull guy. He's inspirational too. He's also probably completely insane. OR I am. Probably both of us. Isn't everyone a little insane? Anyway. My husband. WE have been together for almost 20 years. I have been SO lucky to have this man by my side for over half of my life. He is my best friend.

I have four amazing, super smart, hilarious and very different kids who are so similar it's scary! If you have kids or siblings you probably understand what I'm saying. If you talk to them in a group you'd realize they're from the same family but you'd realize they're different.

My oldest is 18. He's in college. Last I heard he wanted to be a Music Teacher and/or future Band Director. He lives at home and currently tutors kids in Jr High for pay. This boy (I should say man!) has always been so mature. He's the one who wondered why the toddler cartoons talked to him as if he were a baby! He'd warn me the stairs were "dangerous" when he was 2! If you spoke to him over the phone and never knew his age you'd think he was 40! Not because of his voice but his wording and mannerisms. I'm super proud of him and SO excited to see where his future takes him.

My 2nd born is 13. He's attends the Jr High (7th grade) where my oldest tutors. He has recently discovered that he is somewhat of a natural at sports after spending all of his years of elementary secluded in PE. Forever pulled aside in that "Asthma" group that has to play inside while everyone else is running around like a mad person on the playground. Not that he minded!! Haha. We got him on allergy injections and after a year he's already gotten rid of his daily asthma meds and very rarely needs the daily allergy meds!! It's wonderful. He has a full workload because not only is he a jock in training he's also mister future CEO. OR at least that's how I see him. He's in all Pre Ap classes. And Band. And Art. Overachiever much?? Hmm... not sure where he got that from!

Anyway, next up is my super strong, smart, wonderful daughter. She's 11. As I mentioned she is SO strong. Anything these boys can do she can do! Without a doubt. She's the one who would take a gallon of milk from her older brothers because it was heavy. She tells me almost weekly that there's no rule against women playing in the NFL. She throws a spiral that puts most boys in her class to shame. Smart too. Currently on the Math/Science team and bringing home medals and ribbons weekly. She just started playing the violin this school year too.

Finally my baby girl. Ah, my cutie pie miracle baby. I wasn't supposed to be able to have any more but here she is. Beautiful and Happy. Always smiling. She is almost 7 months. Doing everything a 7 month old should. Growing WAY too fast and I'm loving every second of it.

This is me. Leave a comment and say hi. Tell me a little about you. Remember this is a family friendly place. Have a wonderful Tuesday!